Training for startup accelerators and corporate innovaton programs. Learn to prepare and deliver persuasive, audience-centred messages.
Live Online Training

4,9 out of 5
65 responses
"For the second year in a row, your workshop
scored 4.9 out of 5, based on 65 responses!"

Erwin van Eijden,
co-location center manager

"Working with Viki is a pleasure and gives me peace of mind because I know that our founders will follow his advice towards a sharp, professional and authentic pitch!"

Natasja Marchese,
Event Manager at YES!Delft

"You gave the team of innovation leaders from London, Singapore and Amsterdam the awareness and ammunition needed to deliver a crispy pitch. Now they are geared to engage their audience and deliver 10X impact.

Jyhi Shen,
Head of Design, ING Labs

"The most result-driven pitch trainer I've ever worked with - his ability to craft a persuasive pitch that makes people take action is on the next level!"

Yannick Maltha,
co-founder at Ubi Ops

"Onstage, sure, but I find it especially valuable when I'm onboarding new clients - you can't be over-prepared when dealing with the big ones in the Volkswagen and Siemens category!"

Niels Bogerd,
co-founder at SenseGlove

Julian Jagtenberg after he raised €2.000.000, highest ever in the Dutch Dragon's Den

"You're always challenging me to embrace the power of less is more. Your attention to detail is on another level and that makes me more confident because I know that if Viki says it's good, then it's good!"

Julian Jagtenberg,
Founder & CEO at Somnox


Viki Pavlič
> 5+ years of experience
> 300+ startups coached
> 80+ workshops given
> Delft University of Technology lecturer
Educational background in user-centered innovation, MSc thesis on pitch-craft (TUDelft).
"I empower innovators with the skill to move others because our ideas are only as good as our ability to communicate them."